In English & Spanish: Day 5: Bumble Bee Song

When talking about bees its almost impossible not to “buzzz”! Get your best bee buzzing noises ready and sing along with one of our favorite bumble bee songs!

Bumblebee Buzz Buzz Song


I was sitting in my garden

When I saw a bumblebee

He said his name was Oscar

And he went

Buzz buzz buzz

Ba-buzz buzz ba-buzz buzz

Buzz buzz buzz ba-buzz

Buzz buzz buzz

Ba-buzz buzz ba-buzz buzz

Buzz buzz buzz ba-buzz

Oh bumblebee can't you see

It's just you and me

One two, ah-one two three go!

Buzz buzz buzz

Ba-buzz buzz ba-buzz buzz

Buzz buzz buzz ba-buzz

Buzz buzz buzz

Ba-buzz buzz ba-buzz buzz

Buzz buzz buzz ba-buzz

Bzz, bzz!

I was sitting in the pizza place

When I saw two bumblebees

They said their names were

Jackson and Max

And they went

Buzz buzz buzz

Ba-buzz buzz ba-buzz buzz

Buzz buzz buzz ba-buzz

Oh buzz buzz buzz

Ba-buzz buzz ba-buzz buzz

Buzz buzz buzz ba-buzz

Oh bumblebee, can't you see

It's just you and me

One two, ah-one two three go!

Buzz buzz buzz…

Day 5: Canción del Abejorro

Cuando se habla de abejas, ¡es casi imposible no "zumbar"! ¡Prepara tus mejores zumbidos de abejas y canta junto con una de nuestras canciones favoritas de abejorros!

Canción Abejorro Buzz Buzz (LINK SONG)


Estaba sentado en mi jardín

Cuando vi un abejorro

Dijo que se llamaba Oscar

Y se fue

Zumbido zumbido zumbido

Ba-buzz buzz ba-buzz buzz

Buzz buzz buzz ba-buzz

Zumbido zumbido zumbido

Ba-buzz buzz ba-buzz buzz

Buzz buzz buzz ba-buzz

Oh, abejorro, ¿no puedes ver?

Solo somos tu y yo

¡Uno dos, ah-uno dos tres ya!

Zumbido zumbido zumbido

Ba-buzz buzz ba-buzz buzz

Buzz buzz buzz ba-buzz

Zumbido zumbido zumbido

Ba-buzz buzz ba-buzz buzz

Buzz buzz buzz ba-buzz

¡Bzz, bzz!

Estaba sentado en la pizzería

Cuando vi dos abejorros

Dijeron que sus nombres eran

Jackson y Max

Y se fueron

Zumbido zumbido zumbido

Ba-buzz buzz ba-buzz buzz

Buzz buzz buzz ba-buzz

Oh zumbido zumbido zumbido

Ba-buzz buzz ba-buzz buzz

Buzz buzz buzz ba-buzz

Oh abejorro, ¿no puedes ver?

Solo somos tu y yo

¡Uno dos, ah-uno dos tres ya!

Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz ...

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In English & Spanish: Video Lesson: All About Pigs


In English & Spanish: Day 4: Coffee Filter Butterflies