Day 5: Music Time – Roots, Stems, Leaves

Fridays are for dance parties, or as we like to call them, Barn Boogies! Turn up the speakers and sing and dance along to one of our favorite farm songs. You can even join the band by making an easy at home instrument – see below!

Roots, Stems, Leaves

By: The Banana Slug String Band


Roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds

Roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds

Roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds

Roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds

That’s six parts, six parts, six plant parts that people need.


The roots hold the plant in the ground,

They gather up the water that falls around.

And there’s a root inside of me

Because a carrot is a root that I eat.

That’s six parts, six parts, six plant parts that people need


A stem is an elevator growing up from the ground,

The water goes up and the sugar back down

And there’s a stem inside of me

Because celery is a stem that I eat


The leaves are the kitchens where the food is done

They breathe the air and catch rays from the sun.

And there’s a leaf inside of me

Because lettuce is a leaf that I eat.


The flowers are dressed so colorfully,

They hold the pollen and attract the bees.

And there’s a flower inside of me

Because cauliflower is a flower I eat


The fruit gets ripe, then falls on down

It hold the seeds and feeds the ground.

And there’s a fruit inside of me

Because an apple is a fruit that I eat.


The seeds get buried in the earth,

And the cycle starts again with a new plant’s birth.

And there are seed inside of me

Because sunflower is a seed that I eat.


Now you know what this whole world needs,

It’s roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds.

There’s six plant parts inside of me

Because a garden salad is what I eat.


Musical Shaker Making


  • Toilet paper roll

  • Beans or uncooked rice or birdseed or beads

  • Colorful duct tape

  • Scissors

  • Optional: stickers or gems and glue


It’s time to make music! Gather a toilet paper roll, unroll and cut the colorful duct tape and cover one side completely. Once, it is sealed on one side, please fill with about 2 tablespoons of beans or uncooked rice or birdseed or beads. Lastly, cover the rest of the toilet roll, to prevent any leaking.

Optional, add stickers or glued gems to your music shaker. You can make multiple music shakers, do the shakers sound different, when filled with different items? Gather your pots and pans and spoons and homemade shakers, and let’s Rock!

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In English & Spanish: Video Lesson: All About Sheep


Day 4: Meditation and Sit Spot