Day 2: Make Your Own Bird’s Nest
A sure sign of Spring at Connolly Ranch is the abundance of eggs laid by our chickens. But if you take a closer look – chicken eggs aren’t the only eggs found on the farm.
Here at Connolly Ranch, we provide laying boxes with soft material for the hens to go in and lay their eggs. These boxes are made to keep the eggs safe. But what happens in nature? How do chickens, ducks, geese and other birds protect their eggs from predators? They builds nests!
Have you ever wondered why an egg isn’t round, like a ball? A perfectly round egg is more likely to roll out of the nest and break. The shape allows them to fit more snugly inside the nest and keep each other warm.
Can you make your own bird nest?
Let’s start by making the eggs.
Step 1: Homemade Playdough Eggs:
Here’s what you’ll need:
2 cups Flour
½ cup Salt
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
Boil 1 to ½ cups of water in a tea kettle or on the stove
2 tablespoons of cream of tartar
Optional: Food dye, essential oils, or spices like cinnamon
Here’s How:
Measure and mix all the dry ingredients (flour, salt, cream of tartar). Bring water to boil in a tea kettle or a pot on the stove. Carefully mix hot water and food dye then add to a large bowl of dry ingredients, stirring carefully.The playdough will start to create a ball. Once cool, take the ball of playdough and knead on a floured surface until it is all mixed and not sticky. Now you’re ready for playdough play time! Roll the playdough into small eggs for your bird nest.
See reference for more info:
Step 2: Make your Nest
Here’s what you’ll need:
A berry basket, brown paper sandwich bag or small box
Collect natural and unnatural items like grass, string, feathers, straw, flower petals etc.
Playdough eggs
Here’s How:
Start by reusing a berry basket, small box or roll a brown paper bag into a round nest. Add collected items like grass, string, feathers, flower petals, and leaves to create a cozy nest to hold your playdough eggs.
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